PM @ImranKhanPTI—Your other name is courage. Big Respect.
— Jan Achakzai (@Jan_Achakzai) October 31, 2018
میرے کپتان ۔۔۔ کمال کر دیا !
— Mansoor Ali Khan (@_Mansoor_Ali) October 31, 2018
Good Start Prime Minister ... Finally someone is talking !
— Mansoor Ali Khan (@_Mansoor_Ali) October 31, 2018
This #PMIKAddress was what Jinnah envisaged for Pakistan. It took us seventy years to reconcile with his vision and @ImranKhanPTI said it categorically
— Mubashir Zaidi (@Xadeejournalist) October 31, 2018
No nonsense, No negotiations.
— Asher Azeem Gill (@ashirazeemgill) October 31, 2018
Back off or State will excercise powers available under the law.
Well done Mr. Prime Minister. #PMIKAddress
Indeed #PMIKAddress was an address of a statesman communicating to its ppl heart to heart. #ImranKhanPrimeMinister didn’t mince words, spoke with clarity & vociferously. He has imparted strong message that Pak is not a leaderless state as he appeared himself in crisis as a leader
— Ameer Abbas (@ameerabbas84) October 31, 2018
Well done Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI. In the midst of this clamour and violence country needs a strong leadership which exhibits clarity and would not allow Writ of State to be challenged. We shoudnt concede space to bigots and those violating laws must pay for their crimes
— M. Jibran Nasir (@MJibranNasir) October 31, 2018
Short. Bold. To the point speech by PM
— Waseem Badami (@WaseemBadami) October 31, 2018
first leadership of the country to have addressed this issue head on, unapologetically, with clarity & without mincing words on the consequences. Tough times ahead. @ImranKhanPTI #Pakistan #AsiaBibi #DawnNews #blasphemy
— Meher Bokhari (@meherbokhari) October 31, 2018
A bold,logical and beautiful speech by the prime minister Imran Khan on important issue after Supreme Court judgement on Asia bb. Its good to see PM come forward to take the bull by horns. PM raised valid&relevant points. I hope everyone will support prime minister on this issue.
— Rauf Klasra (@KlasraRauf) October 31, 2018
What an excellent and to the point speech by PM Imran Khan.... clear message to all those bigots who want to destablise Pakistan for their own gains...
— Shahzeb Khanzada (@shazbkhanzdaGEO) October 31, 2018
Khan Saab taking the bull by its horns. Zabardast! @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial #PakistanZindabad
— Huma Amir Shah (@humaamirshah) October 31, 2018
Khan Sb you nailed it!!! You’re not just a politician but a leader with guts to stand against these goons. #PMIKAddress
— Syed Raza Mehdi (@SyedRezaMehdi) October 31, 2018
PM’s bitterest critics aka ‘liberals’ :- swallow your pride & take it on the chin. Realise now, #IK / PK PM has always has put nations interest before all. That ‘all’ includes those menacing ‘mullahs’ & that nation includes you. Rest easy.#PrimeMinisterImranKhan #PMIKAddress
— Saffina Ellahi (@SaffinaEllahi1) October 31, 2018
Wildly impressed with @ImranKhanPTI's speech.
— Alia Chughtai (@AliaChughtai) October 31, 2018
This is far better than what I expected. Gold star.
This is a remarkable speech in its clarity and boldness. Thank you PM Khan.
— Mosharraf Zaidi (@mosharrafzaidi) October 31, 2018
May Allah continue to guide and strengthen Pakistan’s leaders with this kind of clear headed courage and sense of purpose. https://t.co/hSPkpyCFhW
More power to you!
— Muniba Mazari (@muniba_mazari) October 31, 2018
Pakistan Zindabad https://t.co/Wo715Aq2dy
For the first time in my life, my country has a leader! @ImranKhanPTI may you set this nation right, we’re with you! #pakistan
— khadijah shah (@khadijah_shah) October 31, 2018
Mr. Prime Minister, what an address! For the time in my life, I felt like my Prime Minister was talking to me directly. @ImranKhanPTI
— Asim Azhar (@AsimAzharr) October 31, 2018
Imran khan isn’t a politician, He’s a leader.
— Ihtisham ul Haq (@iihtishamm) October 31, 2018
For the protesting men a clear, brief, and firm message: don’t mess with the State , don’t mess with the law...don’t force the State to hit back... bcos it will if u create chaos and anarchy. Excellent speech by PrimeMinister @ImranKhanPTI #AsiaBibiCase
— Nasim Zehra (@NasimZehra) October 31, 2018
What a brilliant speech by @ImranKhanPTI - brave and poised. Immensely impressed. He is proving himself to be the leader he always said he would be. Bravo PM Bravo!!!
— Maheen Taseer (@MaheenTaseer) October 31, 2018
وزیرِاعظم نے قوم کی ترجمانی کی،ایک ایک لفظ سے متفق ہوں۔۔
— Irshad Bhatti (@IrshadBhatti336) October 31, 2018
ُاللہ پاکستان کی حفاظت کرے۔۔
Super impressed with @ImranKhanPTI’s address to the nation. To the point, making it clear that the government won’t be bullied by any fanatic.
— Ali Rehman Khan (@alirehmankhan) October 31, 2018
Very brave of you Sir @ImranKhanPTI!
— Ajmal Jami (@ajmaljami) October 31, 2018
Imran Khan's speech to the nation, which has delivered a strong and defiant rebuke to religious hardliners, suggests that the state may finally be changing course in terms of how it deals with these dangerous and destabilizing elements. It's another century for IK. #Pakistan
— Michael Kugelman (@MichaelKugelman) October 31, 2018
Proud of Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI for for his direct stand on Supreme Court judgement on #AsiaBibiCase . He denounces few people’s attack on honourable Judges and Chief of Army Staff. Sanity must prevail pic.twitter.com/OObAnuHVL1
— Asma Shirazi (@asmashirazi) October 31, 2018
وزیراعظم کے آج کے جراتمندانہ خطاب نے بڑے سے بڑے نقاد اور مخالف کو تعریف پر مجبور کر دیا۔ مگر کچھ شرمندہ شرمندہ اب بھی خاموش ہیں ۔ #ImranKhanPrimeMinister #PMIKAddress @ImranKhanPTI @fawadchaudhry
— Nadia Mirza (@nadia_a_mirza) October 31, 2018
Good, clear and solid stance Mr. Prime Minister! Thank you
— Saadia Afzaal (@SaadiaAfzaal) October 31, 2018
PM @ImranKhanPTI you have won our hearts today... We can say for this brave act ‘TUSI GREAT HO’
— Owais Tohid (@OwaisTohid) October 31, 2018
Mr PM you made us proud.
— Imran Khan (@ImranRiazKhan) October 31, 2018
Huge speech by PM @ImranKhanPTI may Allah protect him and all of us
— Shahbaz Taseer (@ShahbazTaseer) October 31, 2018
PM IK addresses the issue concerning SC decision. Brave of him.
— Khawar Ghumman (@Ghummans) October 31, 2018
Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI speaking well . Good speech
— Aamna Taseer (@AamnaTaseer) October 31, 2018
Proud of my #PrimeMinisterImrankhan
— Nabeel Qadeer (@nabeelaq) October 31, 2018
IK on front foot. Great leader @ImranKhanPTI
— AHI (@aamnaisani) October 31, 2018
Commendable courageous msg by PM @ImranKhanPTI making it clear that State will ensure peace and it won't be held hostage by goons.
— Sadaf Jabbar (@sadafaj) October 31, 2018
بغیر کسی تمہید باندھے، براہ راست انتہائی حساس معاملے پر قوم کو اعتماد میں لینا۔ ٰوزیراعظم @ImranKhanPTI سے پی ٹی آئی کی سیاست پر اختلاف کیا جاسکتا ہے لیکن آج جسطرح ریاست کے سربراہ کی ذمہ داری نبھائی ہے، وہ قابل داد ہے۔
— Najia Ashar (@najiaashar) October 31, 2018
شاباش وزیراعظم!
Thank you @ImranKhanPTI for taking bold, truthful and clear stance of SC verdict #AsiaBibi
— Tanzeela Mazhar (@TenzilaMazhar) October 31, 2018
Nothing is done against Islam’s teaching and spirit in SC today’s verdict. says Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI
Thank you @ImranKhanPTI for speaking up. #RuleOfLaw matters. https://t.co/syILTiAuDI
— Raza Ahmad Rumi (@Razarumi) October 31, 2018
Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI appeals to all factions of society to maintain peace, order and responsible behaviour that is true to the vision and principles of Riyasat e Madina. https://t.co/ahHR1NdR1c
— Sidra Iqbal (@SidraIqbal) October 31, 2018
Anyone who threatens to assassinate a public servant doing his or her duty will be dealt with the LAW. - Naya Pakistan PM @ImranKhanPTI
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) October 31, 2018
Well said @ImranKhanPTI a unifying message. It’s so important to stand up for #TheRuleOfLaw and to bring the country together #pakistan
— Ayesha Tammy Haq (@tammyhaq) October 31, 2018
Bravo @ImranKhanPTI exposing and taking the goons head-on who are trying to hold the entire state hostage, inciting violence against the judges and the army chief. This is how the writ of the state should be established, waiting to see these words reflected in govt’s actions.
— Muaaz Ahsan (@MuaazAhsanGeo) October 31, 2018
A brilliant speech by Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI , the PM who has the guts to address the nation and challenge religious fanaticism from a small group trying to force the courts and government to take decisions of their choice. Bravo!
— Aniqa Nisar (@AniqaNisar) October 31, 2018
whoah...@ImranKhanPTI just went there!
— Zarrar Khuhro (@ZarrarKhuhro) October 31, 2018