Shahveer Jafry
Imran Khan is literally the most sensible PM Pakistan has ever seen. India, peace not war. Please! #SayNoToWar

Farhan Saeed
#Saynotowar trends no 1 in India, clearly shows that even Indian public is not ready to play in hands of Modi who is just trying to run his dirty election campaign at the cost of it's nation's blood.

Zaid Ali
Nothing makes me more proud than belonging to a nation with a Prime Minister as sensible as Imran Khan. #SayNoToWar

Khurram Mehmood
Khan’s message was simple to citizens & leaders.
Leaders have been made responsible, they are accountable. The performance will be rewarded with maintaining their position, perks & powers. Their only job is to serve country & make sure there is progress & prosperity for common man.

Faisal Dar
شکریہ خان صاحب
ایسی ایپ بنانے کیلئے
جہاں ہماری بجلی کی وائرز پچھلے 6 سالوں سے تاخیر کا شکار تھی
30 نومبر کو شکایت درج کی
اور 4 دسمبر کو مسئلہ حل ہو گیا نئی کیبل ڈال کر

Rehman Azhar
This is where it gets tricky. You win a by-election in PTI’s government with the same election commission, army & judiciary and call it a fair victory. Earlier, when PTI was not even in government, and with the same players, it was all rigged. Think before you argue.

Yasir Cheema
100 Ax evaders from FBR
300 having multiple properties overseas.
FIA as already served notices & has recorded statements.
FBR is going after.
This will tell us a lot about new administrations will & competence.

Imran Durrani
بکرےکی ماں کب تک خیرمنائےگی پاکستان تاریخ میں پہلی بارحکومت نےحکومتِ برطانیہ سےملزمان کی حوالگی کےقانون پرپیش رفت شروع کی ہے جس پردونوں فریقین راضی ہیں گوکہ یہ معاہدہ کسی مخصوص کیس کیلیےنہیں ہےمگراسکےدوررس نتائج برآمد ہوںگے۔خصوصاپاکستان کی لوٹی ہوئی دولت کی واپسی کامسلہ حل ہوگا۔

This worker whose monthly salary is Rs 8000/- has donated Rs 5000/- to Dam funds. Now I believe that there is no power that can stop us from making Dams. This is Naya Pakistan for you. Pakistan Zindabad.

So many kids today gave their pocket money. The waiters serving at the venue pooled in Pkr 750/- and took great pride putting it in the DAM fund. Such is the greatness of our people. Pakistanis rising to the challenge.