Zardari and Nawaz cannot be trusted to check on each other: Imran Khan | Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
Source: Express Tribune

FAISALABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) president Imran said that neither Zardari nor Nawaz Shariff would ever be a check on one another since neither kept their ill-gotten wealth in the country and that the first law PTI would implement (if it assumes office) would be to ban all those who did not declare their assets.

Addressing a rally in Faisalabad, Khan said that corrupt politicians could not be expected to keep a check on one another since they would strike a deal to get out.

He said that Pakistan was weighed down by the weight of corruption. Despite having vast natural resources, Khan said, Pakistan had to beg due to the corruption of the leaders.

He said that the poor in Pakistan were getting poorer due to the taxes imposed upon them by the rich.

Whipping up public sentiment, Khan said that if Pakistan could get rid of the corrupt, it could transform Pakistan from a poor country to a rich country.

He said that the only reasons that both Nawaz Sharif and President Zardari had the bulk of their wealth stored in foreign assets was that they wanted to avoid taxes and ferry off their ill-gotten wealth.

The first move PTI would take once elected into power, Khan said, would be to introduce a law where in those whose assets are abroad and undeclared would not be allowed to participate in local politics.