- Wheat/flour is an important part of our diet. Syed Fakhr Imam
- Pakistan ranks eighth among wheat-producing countries
- Stockpiling and smuggling are ways to create scarcity
- There is cartelization in Pakistan, there is stockpiling
- It is the responsibility of the provinces to identify cartilage
- I don't understand why Sindh government wants to create a wheat crisis
- The country produced more wheat than the target
- If Sindh government releases wheat, the price will go down considerably,
- The federation and the provinces are trying their best to ensure that there are no complaints about wheat and flour
- Wheat will be provided to the common man at the right price.
- Sindh is requested to release wheat.
- In this regard, the government wrote 2 letters to Sindh.
- 1.25 million tons of wheat procured by the Sindh Public Sector.
- We are not in favor of cutlets.
- Provinces should eliminate cartels.
- Ministry of National Food Security and Research is ensuring good quality wheat for the people at affordable prices.
- Wheat import was allowed to close the gap between supply and demand.
- Storage of wheat will not be tolerated.
- Punjab has started releasing wheat.
- All the provinces should cooperate with each other and the federal ministry to ensure the supply of wheat in the country.
- The Federal Ministry is providing facilities to private sector importers to ensure proper and timely import of wheat.