ISF to support young doctors on their demands | Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
<p>LAHORE: ISF Lahore president Hassan Niazi and Sec general Farrukh Habib said young doctor???s agitation for their rights exposed so called good governance of Shebaz sharif. They further maintained that the brain drain of doctors from the country due negligence of government of Punjab towards the demands of doctors. This attitude of will cause a great threat to the already weak health system. Good governance demands good people first. Doctors are already working in a badly facilitated environment. In this case young doctors demands should be met immediately and work out to improve the health system of Pakistan by having an augmented approach towards doctors. The failure to fulfill doctor demands is example of bad governance. The young doctors should be given a motivating special package to ensure best working efficiency from them thus normal pay scale is injustice towards them. If the demands are not fulfilled then shahbaz sharif will have to face massive outrage of insaf medical students (IMS) under the flag of insaf students federation.<br /> <br /> Waqas Iftikhar<br /> <br /> Sec information isf<br /> <br /> 03454092927</p> <p><img width="600" height="849" src="/Portals/0/UserUploads/Arsalan/Punjab/ISF%20Lhr%20March%2015th%202011.gif" alt="" /></p>