Dr. Fozia Siddiqui to join PTI dharna in Peshawar against Drone Attacks | Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
<p><a href="http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=42212&amp;Cat=5&amp;dt=4/18/2011">The News</a></p> <p><span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblNewsDetailMain">LAHORE: DR Fouzia Siddiqui, sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, claimed that lawyers who tried to file appeal for release of Dr Aafia in the US were allegedly threatened by the Pakistani embassy. <br /> <br /> She was addressing a press conference along with office-bearers of Insaaf Students Federation (ISF) on Sunday. Sajjad-ur-Rehman, brother of late Ibad-ur-Rehman, who was killed by the US Consulate Lahore s car while rescuing CIA agent Raymond Davis, was also present. <br /> <br /> Dr Fouzia Siddiqui, who is also Chairperson of the Dr Aafia Movement, said the lawyers were threatened that if they did not refrain then 87-year sentence of Dr Aafia could be converted into death sentence. She further said after release of Raymond Davis there was no question of trusting Pakistani government s promises in connection with the release of Dr Aafia. She added all the rulers got released the US killer for their vested interests. She further said owing to protest by Dr Aafia Movement in America the US jail officials arranged 11-minute long telephonic call of Dr Aafia with the family, claiming the US officials had also assured telephonic talk on weekly basis besides her meeting with the family members. Dr Fouzia also announced to participate in PTI s sit-in protest against NATO supplies in Peshawar on April 23-24. She also said drone attacks inside Pakistan were attacks on independence and sovereignty of the country. Speaking on the occasion, Sajjad-ur-Rehman said the Punjab government did nothing for them except false hopes, alleging it was also involved in release of Raymond Davis. He also claimed that his family was being offered $ 20,000 to remain silence over the issue. He, however, said they were ready to forgive the US official if they released Dr Aafia. <br /> <br /> ISF President Hasaan Niazi and General Secretary Farrukh Habib said people from all walks of life had been invited to participate in PTI sit-in against the NATO supplies. They said to save the country there was a need to end American interference in Pakistan. </span></p> <p><img width="600" alt="" src="/Portals/0/UserUploads/Arsalan/I.S.F%20PRESS%20REALESE%20LAHORE%2017-04-2011.gif" /></p> <div id="newsStoryLogo"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.express.com.pk/"><img border="0" align="middle" alt="Daily Express" src="http://www.express.com.pk/images/logo.jpg" /></a></div> <div><img align="middle" style="border-width:0px;" src="http://www.express.com.pk/images/NP_LHE/20110418/Sub_Images/1101220110-1.gif" id="Image1" alt="" /></div>