26th November 2023 News Headlines
A summary of today's important and breaking news regarding PTI and the country that the mainstream media of Pakistan will never show you.
Even today, the NAB team investigated Imran Khan for hours and failed to break him.
Today, 113 days have passed since the illegal imprisonment of Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf and former Prime Minister Imran Khan. For the sake of the true freedom of his nation, Imran Khan has been fighting all kinds of pain and suffering for 113 days. Investigation teams are now experimenting with a new strategy to crack Imran Khan. Even today, the NAB team interrogated Imran Khan for hours and asked the same questions over and over again. After the Supreme Court's decision in the Bahria Town case, the Al-Qadir Trust case against Imran Khan has lost all its status, but despite this, unsuccessful attempts have been made to revive this dead case. Despite all these tactics, Imran Khan is facing all the difficulties bravely. He is fighting every case in a legal way.
It is the responsibility of the administration to bring Imran Khan to the court.
Chairman Imran Khan was ordered to appear in the judicial complex by the special court of the cipher case on Tuesday. Imran Khan's lawyer, Intizar Hussain Panjutha, emphasized in his tweet, "The entire responsibility of bringing Imran Khan to the court and taking him back is on the government and administration of Islamabad. I hope that neither there will be any operation in the name of security nor there will be any disturbance of the security. Imran Khan is the trust of this nation and this trust should be protected."
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: four historic worker’s conventions in one day.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has started a worker's convention in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa following the instructions of Chairman Imran Khan. Yesterday in Upper Dir and today in one day in four cities, Kirk, Khwaja Khela, Swat, Tehsil Bara, Khyber, and Union Council of Abbottabad held a historical workers convention. Despite fascism, the people are participating in such a large number that all worker's conventions of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf are turning into a Jalsa. The people are coming to the streets madly in love with Imran Khan. After Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, political gatherings will be announced soon in Punjab too.
The Election Commission's decision on Tehreek-e-Insaf intra-party election is based on complete malice.
The Election Commission's objections to the intra-party election of the Tehreek-e-Insaf have been written in detail in its decision. It includes objections such as the objection of no signature and no official letter. All these objections were mentioned, along with the dates of the letters issued, but nowhere was the question raised that the results of the intra-party elections reached the commission after seven days. In the end, all the other objections were kept aside, and all the results were disapproved by making a completely new objection, that the of the results did not reach the Election Commission within seven days.
After a successful worker's convention in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, police raided the houses of Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders.
Bajaur Police raided President PTI Bajaur and former MNA Gul Zafar Khan's house at night. The former MNA was not present at home during the raid. General Secretary PTI Malakand Division Sahibzada Sibghatullah's and Upper Dir District General Secretary Imran Saeed's house also raided by police. All these raids happened after the successful worker's convention in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. But today, people came out in four cities in one day and broke the idols of fear.
May 9 is a sombre day for anyone whose life was turned into a nightmare afterwards.
Sammyia Asad's wrote a heart wrenching letter from prison, who has been illegally imprisoned for more than 140 days. Sammyia Asad said in the letter, "I have no political career. I solely support Imran Khan and engage in minor charitable activities. Two weeks after the peaceful protest on May 9, we received a call from the agency. Subsequently, we relocated to a secure place. Despite paying rent, the landlord denied us re-entry. Even the children's books were not allowed to be taken. My daughter's marriage proposal got cancelled, her workplace raided, and my second daughter's office underwent an inquiry. Raids occurred at the husband's company, friend's house and the in-law's residence. Faced with such severe hardships, I considered myself innocent and decided to surrender, thinking, how long could they detain me? Surprisingly, 140 days have passed, and I am still incarcerated. Jinnah belongs to us, his home is ours, so is it now a crime to sit outside it? If those responsible cannot safeguard a house, how will they fare against an enemy attack? We fervently pray to God for a swift resolution to our troubles."
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf is always treated differently by the judiciary and administration compared to the Nawaz league.
Yesterday, the anti-terrorism court issued a non-bailable arrest warrant for Maryam Aurangzeb. However, unlike Zaman Park operation, there was no 26-hour operation at Maryam Aurangzeb's residence. The state and the courts treatcImran Khan differently compared to these corrupt individuals in power.
Imran Khan's gift of dams to the nation, first phase work completed.
The initial stage of the Diamer Bhasha Dam, launched during Imran Khan's era, has been finished. It was a significant initiative of the Tehreek-e-Insaf government driven by former Prime Minister Imran Khan's vision. But he was removed from power in a conspiracy, leading to the cancellation of all his initiated projects.
Nawaz Sharif, the criminal who destroyed the economy, talks about controlling dollar.
The criminal Nawaz Sharif proudly claims that he kept the dollar at 104 during his previous tenure. But Mian Sahab does not tell the most bitter facts, at what cost he accomplished this feat and the consequences of which the nation is still suffering. During his tenure, billions of dollars were withdrawn from the national treasury and sold in the open market to artificially maintain the value of the rupee. Exports decreased to four billion dollars. Imports increased enormously, and in the last financial year of the PML-N, the trade deficit reached 38 billion dollars. During his tenure, the country's debt increased by more than 70 percent.
The value of one thousand rupees has been reduced to only six hundred Rupees.
Senior Journalist Adnan Adil tweeted, “Inflation rate has been more than 40% according to official data for two consecutive weeks. It means that if a working man has one thousand rupees, he can buy goods worth six hundred Rs. only.