Asma Bajwa awarded Justice award by Ali Ahmad Kurd | Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
<div align="justify">&#160;</div> <div align="justify">&#160;</div> <p>New York: Mr. Ali Ahmed Kurd advocate, the President&#160;of Pakistan Supreme Court&#160;bar Association&#160;was&#160; in New york on August&#160;13th and&#160;was&#160; warmly&#160;welcomed by the the Lawyers,Doctors, human rights activists, civil society professionals, workers and students.<br /> To Honor Mr.Ali Ahmad Kurd Pakistan American&#160;Advocates for rights and Pakistani American Bar&#160;had organized an event&#160;at Paradise east Hall Brooklyn New York.&#160;Mr. Kurd &#160;addressed a&#160;large,&#160;open meeting, regarding&#160; achievement of the &#160;Restoration of Judiciary,&#160;the National Judicial Reforms and rule of Law in Pakistan.</p> <p>In addition&#160;in the honor&#160;of the political and social activists allied to the Pakistani lawyers movement,&#160;the Justice Award&#160;was presented in this historical event. From PTI New York chapter Coordinator Asma Bajwa was honored with&#160;Justice Award from Ali Ahmad Kurd .</p> <div align="justify">&#160;</div> <p>&#160;</p> <div align="justify">&#160;</div> <p>&#160;</p>