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Tabdeeli ka safar

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Tabdeeli ka safar

What is PTI

PTI is a name of a "jazba" focused on delivering Naya Pakistan per the vision of Chairman Imran Khan

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Tabdeeli ka safar


Ab Naheen Tou Kab, Hum Naheen Tou Kaun. Let's strengthen Imran Khan's arms to build the Pakistan that we will be proud of

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Tabdeeli ka safar

PTI Leadership

The best of Pakistan who strengthen Imran Khan's hands

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Live the magical moments of PTI Jalsas and other events where the passion of Pakistani people will win you over

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Hum Kharay Thay

Tribute to the people of Pakistan who make this movement what it is

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Tabdeeli ka safar

Tabdeeli ka safar

The people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa trusted us and we are proud to be delivering per PTI Manifesto

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PTI Overseas

Micro sites for PTI UK, PTI USA, PTI KSA and others

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PTI Social Media

List of Official Accounts, Team Profiles and Achievements

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Tabdeeli ka safar


Read the "history in progress" write ups as the people of Pakistan open their hearts on PTI and provide commentary on the current issues.

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PTI Anthems

Listen to the melodious PTI Anthems that you hear at Jalsas

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Tabdeeli ka safar


Memorable artwork by the members of PTI Social Media's Creative Team

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I am Umair and I support PTI because I want to stay in Pakistan and see this country as one of the most prosperous countries of this world. I agree with Imran Khan when he says that we have the resources and just need genuine leadership to prosper.


I am Talha Rai and I support PTI because it has given hope to my generation. I want to play a role in Nation building with Imran Khan, which will make me very proud citizen.

Talha Rai

I am Junaid Khan and I support PTI because it is one party that has passed the test of time. It stood against the status quo and exposed the mafia here in Pakistan. It took 21 years for Imran Khan to accomplsh this and now we can't wait for him to be our Prime Minister.

Junaid Khan

I am Danial Ghazali and I support PTI because this is the only party which invests on human capital and cares about the welfare of everyone (not just a certain class). Allah Al Haq hai and I am very confident that Imran Khan will be PM soon and will lead us to prosperity.

Danial Ghazali

I am Imran and I support PTI because this is is the only party whose leadership is credible and sincere to Pakistan. We have dealth with looters ever since we have come in this world and it makes me happy to serve in the era of the Great Imran Khan!
