Why I still support Imran Khan | Insaf Blog by Haider Raza
As I have always said we love to focus on the juicy peripherals. Below the belt comments like Pinky peerni, lambasting him for his recent travel on a charter plane for Umrah etc are symptoms of this terrible malaise we all suffer from. Sophisticated bhaands maquerading as anchors with overblown egos are having a field day, having a go at him. One in particular, whom I do...
Want a ticket? Well that requires some doing | Insaf Blog by Afshan
Lots of PTI's old guard are unhappy and discontented with distribution of tickets by the party. They rightly or wrongly feel that they deserve the tickets and their applications have been unfairly rejected. Imran Khan has asked the aggrieved ones to file the petitions and has promised to look into their complaints and redress the injustice if done to anybody. While we...
Praying alone won't help Pakistan | Insaf Blog by Ahmed Jawad
I don’t know why I am convinced that prayers alone are not enough for Pakistan to become a great country. Let me explain why I stand on this point. My Question: Who prayed for Israel, Singapore, South Korea, China, USA, Norway, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands to become great countries? My Answer: Countries are not built by just praying, countries...
Time to support Imran Khan unconditionally - Insaf Blog by Afshan
I contribute my two cents on the current hue and cry raised by many over the distribution of tickets by PTI parliamentary board. Mostly there are no complaints about the ticket allocation in the three educated urban centers i.e Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Most of the complaints come from semi educated cities , towns and low literacy rural areas of Pakistan where electables have been...
Award of tickets - Insaf Blog by Haider Mehdi
Imran knows that these elections are perhaps his last and best chance as a political leader to come into power. Therefore he has to win at all costs to deliver on his promises. I've always maintained that Imran's bigger challenge is not winning the elections, but the subsequent governing of what Dr. Ishrat Hussain calls "Governing the Ungovernable" the title of his must read...
North Waziristan- A tourist resort - Insaf Blog by Dr Nadia Mubarik
North Waziristan is a beautiful mountainous region of northwest Pakistan, bordering with Afghanistan. Waziristan is situated in the south-west of Peshawar between the Kurram River to the north and the Gomal River to the south, forming part of Pakistan's FATA (old) with total area of 4,707 square kilometers. Miranshah is capital of North...
Not a U-turn - Insaf Blog by Sarah Ahmed
Since when is a Right Turn a U-Turn? I can see social media platforms and news channels debating about Imran Khan’s change of choice regarding the caretaker. The elections are near and quite literally, the heat of it and the scorching sun can be felt. Let us take a step back and end the sudden “U-Turn” debate that has taken the media and its people by storm. The system says that the...
آواز بیداری ،اختر خان کا انصاف بلاگ
تاریخ میں اگر دیکھاجائے تو جب افغانستان اور روس کی جنگ ہوئی تھی تو اس وقت روس صرف ایک افغان سے جنگ نہی لڑ رھا تھا بلکہ روس اس کے ساتھ ساتھ ایک عالمی جنگ بھی لڑرھا تھا- یہ تاریخ میں کولڈ یا سرد جنگ کے نام سے جانی جاتی ہے جواس وقت کی دوبڑی طاقتیں روس اور امریکہ کے درمیان دنیا کی بڑی اور اکیلی طاقت کے لئے لڑی جارہی تھی- اس وقت افغانستان میں مداخلت روس کے لئے ایک بڑا امتحان تھا۔...
پی ٹی آئی کی صوبائی حکومت کا دور مکمل
پرویز خٹک، آج حیات آباد کے کرائے کے مکان میں شفٹ ہو جائیں گے۔۔۔۔۔۔آج آخری دن حکومت کے پی کے۔۔۔ صوبہ کے پی کے جس کی صوبائی حکومت پرویز خٹک کی قیادت کررہے تھے آج اپنی مدت پوری کررہی ہے۔ فرنٹ لائن صوبہ جو دہشت گردی کا پچھلی ایک دہائی سے شکار رہا جہاں انفراسٹرکچر بری طرح متاثر تھا پچھلی تمام حکومتوں کی کرپشن کی وجہ سے تمام ادارے بری طرح متاثر تھے عوام بدحال تھے مگر پھر بھی داد دینا ہوگی لوگوں...
A Health Care Revolution- Insaf blog by Anila Khwaja
If there’s one institution that more than any other defines a post-colonial, progressive and egalitarianism Britain, it’s the UK National Health Service. As a beneficiary of it having grown up in England, it is almost impossible to overstate the importance of this service to me personally and my family. This state facility more than any other reinforced the very idea of social...
Mujhay kiyon Nikala - Insaf Blog by Brig Samson Simon Sharaf
In Pakistan’s street cricket, the boy who owns the bat calls all shots. He is captain, batsman, bowler and umpire; all in one. Pakistan’s disqualified prime minister played his street cricket on Nisbat Road Lahore as all in one. This innate childhood characteristic continues to frame Nawaz Sharif’s present disposition and his cricket with Pakistan’s future. According to Syed Jawaid...
It is achievable - Insaf Blog by Tariq J Qureshi
These days Asad Umar’s speech is being discussed, and reality is it is possible. Yes million jobs can be made possible by creating new brain intensive industries that do not exist in Pakistan. Here is my proposal: One way to serve the nation is by adopting one action for dual objectives. One is national development by reintegration of all youth to become...
Blame the Human heart - Insaf Blog by Salman Ali Khan
Since September 11th 2001, the world has witnessed a phenomenal increase in Islamophobia and with it neo-atheism. The term neo-atheism describes a newer form of atheism which suggests that all religions are deceptive and destructive and the truth can only be sought through science. The proponents of this ideology believe that everything which has no scientific reason or proof should be...
Stop comparing Nawaz Sharif to Jahangir Tareen - By Majeed Lashari
Both Nawaz Sharif and Jahangir Tareen are undeniably ‘mammoth political entities’. However, the dissimilarities in their characteristics are manifest. Accountability must be across the board, but the media’s viciously synonymous treatment of ‘both entities’, since being disqualified under Article 62(1)(F), is an unfair presumption which will be robustly rebutted through an in-depth and holistic...
Nawaz Sharif, Traitor or Trader - Insaf Blog by Syed Haider Raza Mehdi
There's a famous dialogue attributed to Abu Sufyan in the movie "The Message" where he refuses to re-attack the Muslim forces who had defeated the Meccan hordes at Oudh. One person asks him..."What about your honour Abu Sufyan....?" Abu Sufyan responds, pointing to the loads of merchandise on the camels *" .....My honour lies on the backs of the camels....". While the movie...