Hairat Hai Molana - Baais-e-Iftikhar- Insaf Blog
حیرت ہے مولانا افسوس ہے حضرت گرچہ ہے بڑا مشکل لیکن برداشت تو کریں۔کیا ہو گیا الیکشن میں ہار جیت ہوتی رہتی ہے۔مدتوں یہ سنگھاسن آپ کا تھا اگر میانوالی کے ایک مرد جری نے ہما آپ کے کندھے سے اڑا دی ہے تو کیا ہوا مولانا فضل الرحمن کا کہنا ہے میں اسلام آباد آرہا ہوں میرا ایمپائر اللہ تمہارا ایمپائر تمہیں نہیں بچا سکتا۔ پہلی بات ہے موصوف کا منسٹر ہاؤس سے نکلنا بقول غالب بڑے بے آبرو ہو کر تیرے کوچے سے ہم...

Sleeping with enemy is crime but not learning from enemy is bigger crime.
We are best in Juggat Bazi ( Ridiculing). I see a trend where we often ridicule appearance of Modi & try to find a sentiment of triumph. My concern is not whether we ridicule Modi or not but my concerns lies in his great success to lead his country to great progress & development, and dangerously trying to suffocate Pakistan economically. His government has issued circular...

“A” will select “B” AND “B” will select “C”& So on - Insaf Blog
If in an organisation, we select “D”on the top, subsequently he obviously will select “E”in his team & so on. That is why, it is very important to select “A”for top position of an organisation to set highest standards at the top. This is how subsequent good standards will roll out after having “A”on top. In Pakistan, it is easy to impress upon with a foreign degree or a degree...

Rising District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, The South Waziristan
South Waziristan is the largest of the newly merged tribal districts with total area of 6,620 Square Km. It is located at a distance of 366.9 Km from Peshawar. It borders with District North Waziristan, Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Tank, D.I. Khan and Zhob district of Balochistan. It also shares about 70 Km border with Paktia Province of Afghanistan. The people of South Waziristan are famous for...

The Facts about MTI Act - Insaf Blog
ایم ٹی آئی ایکٹ حقائق پی ٹی آئی فیڈریشن اور صوبوں کے فعال خود مختاری پر یقین رکھتی ہے۔ اس کا بنیادی مقصد فلاحی ریاست قائم کرنا ہے جہاں لوگوں کو سیاسی آزادی، رسائی، اقتصادی مواقع اور سماجی انصاف ملے. ملک میں سماجی اور اقتصادی انصاف ہر جگہ ہو اور ہر شہری انسانی ضروریات اور حقوق تک رسائی رکھتا ہو۔ جیسا کہ 18 ویں ترمیم کے بعد صحت سے متعلق کوئی خاص پیش رفت نہیں ہوئی، صحت کے شعبے...

PTM, Maryam-Bilawal, Mob Justice and the use of power - Insaf Blog
کسی بھی پاکستانی کی اس پر دو رائے نہیں کہ کہ پشتون تحفظ موومنٹ کے نام پر جو تحریک شروع ہوئی تھی اس کے مطالبات بالکل جائز تھے۔ قبائلی علاقوں اور پختونخواہ دہشتگردی سے سب سے زیادہ متاثر ہوئے اور لاکھوں لوگ بے گھر ہوئے۔ یہ سب کچھ ہماری ہی “تزویراتی“ پالیسیوں کا نتیجہ تھا۔ پھر اس کے بعد دوبارہ ڈالر لے کر انہیں “مجاہدین“ کو مارا گیا جنہیں اپنے ہاتھوں سے بنایا اور تربیت دی۔ نتیجہ یہ ہوا کہ...

Let's Change the Dynamics of economy in Pakistan - Insaf Blog
Has anyone ever pondered why we talk so often of Sher Shah Suri and his development works? He was a military administrator. Military organisations and technologies have always been dual purpose and precursors of development. Whether it was the moving logistics of Napoleon, the steam powered engines of the Great War, telephony, airpower or the internet; they changed the world forever....

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice) came in to existence on 25th April, 1996. What a bright sunny day was on 25th April when Imran Khan, a former international cricket star (as of now current Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan) founded this Centrist Political Party. PTI started to grow with a slow pace but did not completely achieve the popularity as fore casted by...

Digital Transformation OF KP - Insaf Blog
Currently KP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) government has taken serious steps to digitalize the province under vibrant headships of Kamran Bangash (Advisor to CM KP on IT) and Finance Minister and governance expert Mr. Taimur Saleem khan Jaghra. In the previous term of Pervez Khattak KP government has digitalized several features of government like Online FIR, computerization of land records,...

Technocrats Crises in PTI Government: Problems & Solutions - Insaf Blog
Prelude: The economy of Pakistan is in a quagmire with many naysayers painting a doomsday scenario. They’d like you to believe that rock bottom has been hit and there’s no way out. But that’s not true. The change promised by Prime Minister Imran Khan is very much deliverable. His famous and often quoted claim of a 100% increase in taxation revenues is practical and achievable....

The need of the hour - Insaf Blog
صحت کا مسئلہ ہر ترقی پزیر و ترقی یافتہ ملک میں ایک سا ہی ہے.سائنسی ترقی اور ٹیکنالوجی کے اس دور بہت ساری بیماریوں کا علاج آج ممکن ہو چکا ہے جن کی وجہ سے لوگ سیسک سیسک کر جان گنوا بیٹھتے تھے. اس ٹیکنالوجی کے دور میں بھی صحت سے متلعق سہولیات کے فقدان کی وجہ سے لوگ مر رہے ہیں. ترقی یافتہ ممالک کے لوگوں تک یہ سہولیات بہم پہنچ رہی ہیں. مگر غریب اور ترقی پزیر ممالک کی حکومتیں اپنے عوامم کو یہ...

How can you miss the elephant in the room ! I am so shocked and surprised that like the media and morons in opposition most of our Facebook brothers on these forums have neither noted nor understood what has happened. I am talking about IK’s press conference on the new local government system in Punjab last evening. Most people have failed to understand the gravity, ...

Just like Rome was not built in a day, Pakistan was not de-structured in a day. The seeds for the prevailing mess were laid with the Economic Reforms Act of 1992. Thereafter PMLN and Zardari governments have worsened the rot. The government of President Musharraf led by Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz squandered a post 9/11 opportunity when Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves blew...

A History of Pakistan And Its Loans - Insaf Blog
We all have been listening to all the big opposition parties in the assemblies giving big speeches about economy and how the current government is responsible for the inflation and increased taxes. What they are not talking about in their speeches is the harsh reality that the current government has nothing to do with the instability in the financial scenario. All the hustle and bustle is...