In 52 BCE, Julius Caesar waged a valiant war in Central Europe and emerged victorious. He led his legions by example and promised his soldiers nationality and land rights. These promises invited ire of Roman Senators who had a tight grip on the politics of Rome. Undeterred by Senators' protest, Ceaser kept his heroic ways. This made him a popular leader and every household knew about his legendary war stories. His meteoritic ascent in Roman politics pitted him against another Military General Pompey. Pompey enjoyed loyalty of Senators. He wanted to arrest the political ambitions of Caesar, which embroiled them in a bitter feud. When Caesar came to know about the resistance from the Senate and Pompey, he led a march towards Rome. He assembled his troops to challenge the hegemony of the status quo. Once, he reached the Rubicon River, he was warned to retreat and abandon his political ambitions. He neglected the warnings and crossed the Rubicon in 49 BCE signalling that there was no turning back. He had made up his mind to dismantle the status quo with full vengeance. Once he reached Rome, he confronted Pompey who fled to Egypt, where he was killed in 48 BCE. On the other hand, Senate accepted Caesar as the emperor of Rome. Caesarr then led the Roman Empire until 44 BCE when he was assassinated by his Senators. The killing blow coming from Brutus, who was a Senator and had earlier pledged allegiance to Caesar.
This story reminded me so much of the current political circus of Pakistan. Imran Khan is currently at the same crossroads as Caesar was when he reached the Rubicon River. Imran has picked up a feud against the ISSB cadre aka khakis aka company aka junta aka establishment. The undemocratic forces who have devoured Pakistan since independence.
It is not hidden from anyone that the fascist junta has enslaved Pakistanis. Their shenanigans started very early with the Bengalis. Bengalis gave them a knock out blow yet the junta did not learn anything. Instead their hard handedness spread over to Balouchis and Pathans and now finally Punjabis are also in their grip. However, the atrocities orchestrated by the junta are not ending. There is no end to their madness of suppressing people. They refuse to mend their ways and remain completely oblivious that their adventures might land them a fate similar to that of Pompey.
In the past, anyone who has ever raised a voice against the Khaki's narcissistic behaviour has been met with an iron fist. Their modus operandi has been varying but the end goal has always been to scare the opposition into subjugation.
In 1965, Fatima Jinnah became establishment's first opposition. She was sister of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, yet that did not deter the establishment from doing what they do best. They humiliated Fatima Jinnah and declared her infidel. Her political agents and workers were hounded and put behind bars. Among those who were harassed was Mujeeb-ur-Rehman too. Pakistan lost, the establishment won.
In 1970, the challenge to company's rule came from Mujeeb himself. It was their most stiff opposition to date. Since the company lacks the capacity to think outside the box, they again led a wave of persecution. Mujeeb was jailed in fictitious cases. He was not allowed to campaign for 1970 elections and completely shut off from outside World. Yet, he emerged victorious in the elections which led to the humiliation of 1971 debacle which is the biggest blemish on company to date. Again Pakistan lost, the company won.
Though the Fall of Dhaka would have made anyone learn the lesson but the DNA of ISSB specie is so special that it refuses to learn anything other than fasicm. When Bacha Khan threatened their policies in KPK in 1975, they led the banning of ANP's predecessor NAP. Over night, a whole political party was banned and called as anti-Pakistan. This started a wave of persecution of Pathans which is still ongoing. Once again Pakistan lost, ISSB cadre won.
When Bhutto became a nuisance to Khakis in 1977, they set in motion tactics which led to all Bhutto loyalties switching their allegiance under duress. Overnight, main leaders of PPP left him. His wife Nusrat Bhutto was dragged in courts and humiliated in a way which would have made any dictator ashamed. This time too Pakistan lost, Khakis won.
When Benazir was threatening company's hegemony in 1988 after her return from exile, her election symbol was taken away to ensure that her support base remained confused. Elections were announced intentionally when Benazir was pregnant. The company orchesterated one smear attack after another through their hand picked puppet to deny Benazir the majority in Parliament. Once again Pakistan lost, the company won.
Every time the company has come up with a new and innovative methods to thwart the will of the country just to keep themselves relevant. Every time, a popular voice has been snubbed to one of the tricks up their sleeves to ensure their hegemony. However, this time the Khakis have reached unprecedented levels of fascism. They have combined all their previous tactics just to thwart Imran Khan.
The junta has deployed jailing political workers, as they did against Fatima Jinnah in 1965. Over 1000 PTI workers are behind bars and brutalized, few of them facing military trials. Even women workers, like Tayyaba Raja have been behind bars for the past 8 months. They have put Imran Khan confined to Adiala Jail for past 5 months for over 200 fictitious cases just like they did to Mujeeb in 1970. All his communication lines are cut off where even the court trials are happening in jail so that his picture does not come out. Even internet connectivity of the whole country has been cut off whenever PTI tries to conduct an online political gathering. All his tier 1 leadership like Asad Umar has been hounded and blackmailed to leave PTI just like they did to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's comrades in 1977. Now PTI's iconic election symbol is also taken away under dubious circumstances just like it was done to Benazir in 1988. So each tactic that junta deployed so far has all come together and retested on Imran Khan's PTI.
The wave of fascism that Imran has been facing is unprecedented. Defaming books are written against him, his wife is dragged in courts, fatwas are given against him and assassination attempts done. So far, Imran has resisted all onslaughts but no one knows if he will buckle under pressure. He has come close to crossing the bridge which no one has crossed so far. Will Imran be finally the one who will "Cross the Rubicon"? I guess only time will tell. I am really hoping that Pakistan wins this time.
Tags:Imran Khan